You are here: Debtors > Debtor Statements > Bulk Statements

Debtor Statements

The Debtors Statement form can be used to email or print debtors statements in bulk or by selecting a single debtor in the From and To debtor range.


1. Debtors Statements
2. Select From and To debtor accounts
3. Use Groups - tick box to restrict debtors to be included in the statement run if required and then relevant group(s)
4. Enter in Print Date (date that appears on the report). This date is also used to restrict transactions appearing if using the As At statement report
5. Select relevant period type
6. Enter a minimum balance (e.g. $5.00 and customers with a balance of less that $5.00 will not print)
7. Pause - a value in here pauses the printing to allow other jobs to print e.g. 100 will pause statement printing after ever 100 reports
8. Tick Exclude Zero Balances if these accounts are not to be printed
9. Direct output to the screen if required
10. Click Print or Email to execute the process

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